Mayanei Hayeshua Battles Eating Disorders in Bnei Brak & Beyond

By Esther Perkal Eating disorders were long regarded as a non-issue in Israeli charedi society. A study conducted in 2009 by Ben Gurion University contrasting psychological perceptions within the secular and religious sectors even revealed that the more religious a group, the lower the number of eating disorder (ED) cases. Yet in the past decade, […]
Harnessing the power of technology to transform mental health care

With the establishment of its new research institute, Mayanei Hayeshua is at the forefront of medical research in the fields of mental health and women’s wellness BY NERIA BARR NOVEMBER 1, 2021 14:06 Mayanei Hayeshua’s acclaimed mental health center is regarded as a role model for psychiatric hospitals in Israel. Now with the establishment of […]
Mayanei Hayeshua in ’50 Most Influential Jews’- Jerusalem Post’s special edition

Mayanei Hayeshua Medical CenterTreating the body and mind By Alan Rosenbaum “COVID gave us a bit of a jolt,” says Chaim Fachler, Director of International Resource Development at Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center, with typical British understatement, “but we were one of the first community hospitals to react in an efficient and effective way.” Mayanei Hayeshua […]
“Someone in your close vicinity could be suffering from an eating disorder.”

Article by Dr Laufer on Eating Disorders – Mishpacha magazine Dr. Tzofia Laufer, the Deputy Director of the Eating Disorders Department at Mayanei Hayeshua, has issued a stark warning: “Someone in your close vicinity could be suffering from an eating disorder.” According to Dr Laufer, a psychiatrist specializing in eating disorders, there is a common […]
Medical Research Collaboration between Mayanei Hayeshua and JCT

Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center recently hosted a special lecture on the subject: “Preventive Treatment for Postnatal Depression – Prediction and Preventive Therapy – A Presentation.”At the invitation of the Clinical Research Department at Mayanei Hayeshua, the Lev Academic Center (JCT), presented the results of a groundbreaking and encouragingly hopeful study on the painful subject of […]

After extensive preparations, a dedicated gifts room was inaugurated in a festive ceremony in the pediatric ward of the Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center. The new room, donated by “Yair’s Gift House” headed by Meirav Hollander, was established with the aim of alleviating the anxiety and pain that form part of hospitalization, especially when it comes […]
Prestigious Magazine “Frontiers” features groundbreaking research by Mayanei Hayeshua’s Eating Disorders Unit

Virtual Online Home-Based Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Ultra-Orthodox Young Women With Eating Disorders Written by: Yael Latzer, Esther Herman, Rachel Ashkenazi, Orna Atias, Sofia Laufer, Ateret Biran Ovadya, Tova Oppenheimer, Meirav Shimoni, Moria Uziel, Daniel Shtein Background: With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need arose to maintain treatment continuity for religious […]
In the wake of recent events: This is how we will cope with anxieties

In the wake of recent events: This is how we will cope with anxietiesThe sequence of difficult events, starting with the deadly Covid-19 pandemic, continuing on to the Meron disaster and now, the missile attacks, has aroused fears and anxieties among children. Professor Israel Strous, Director of the Psychiatric Department of the Mental Health Division […]
Asking our specialists – Meron disaster

Doctor, I have a question:How can we properly mediate the Meron disaster for our children and how are you helping families in the difficult days following the disaster? Yael Parush, an expert clinical psychologist and Director of Parenting for Toddlers at the Mayanei Hayeshua Mental Health Center, responds: “We woke up on Friday to news […]
A visit with a sense of mission and action by Minister of Diaspora, Omer Yankelevich

An impressive and moving visit by Diaspora Minister Omer Yankelevich occurred yesterday at the Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center. The Minister made a special request to visit, given the exceptional nature and intensity of the current climate, so that she could get a closer look at how she can provide assistance to the hospital which has […]