Harnessing the power of technology to transform mental health care

With the establishment of its new research institute, Mayanei Hayeshua is at the forefront of medical research in the fields of mental health and women’s wellness BY NERIA BARR NOVEMBER 1, 2021 14:06 Mayanei Hayeshua’s acclaimed mental health center is regarded as a role model for psychiatric hospitals in Israel. Now with the establishment of […]

Medical Research Collaboration between Mayanei Hayeshua and JCT

Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center recently hosted a special lecture on the subject: “Preventive Treatment for Postnatal Depression – Prediction and Preventive Therapy – A Presentation.”At the invitation of the Clinical Research Department at Mayanei Hayeshua, the Lev Academic Center (JCT), presented the results of a groundbreaking and encouragingly hopeful study on the painful subject of […]

Innovative equipment is saving lives in Gynecologic Oncology Unit

About us - Mayanei Hayeshua

The innovative and advanced equipment that Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center has introduced in its Gynecologic Oncology Unit is facilitating early diagnosis and saving lives. The head of the unit is Dr. Gabi Haran, who specializes in diagnosing and treating cancers that are located on a woman’s reproductive organs – condyloma, precancerous and cancerous cysts and […]