After extensive preparations, a dedicated gifts room was inaugurated in a festive ceremony in the pediatric ward of the Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center. The new room, donated by “Yair’s Gift House” headed by Meirav Hollander, was established with the aim of alleviating the anxiety and pain that form part of hospitalization, especially when it comes […]

Mayanei Hayeshua’s Professor Rael Strous takes London by Storm

In the last week of November 2019, Professor Rael Strous, the South African-born medical director of Mayanei Hayeshua’s Mental Health Centre, and professor of psychiatry at Tel Aviv University’s Faculty of Medicine, was in London for a busy round of meetings and events organised by the British Friends of Mayanei Hayeshua.

Professor Rael Strous leads training event at major London Hospital

Prof. Rael Strous

“Food Fight: tackling the stigma of eating disorders,” was the title of a Level 3 annual Safeguarding Children training event covering key aspects and approaches to managing eating disorders. The evening training session at London’s St Pancras Hospital on 26 November 2019 was under the auspices of Mayanei Hayeshua’s Mental Health Centre, and was attended […]