Trauma Emergency Room treats traumatized patients

In “normal” times, throughout the year, Mayanei Hayeshua’s Mental Health Center treats tens of thousands of patients in 12 different departments, and desperately needs to add at least two floors to cater to the ever-growing demand for the professional care provided by our dedicated staff.  With close to half a million traumatized Israeli citizens evacuated from their homes, our Mental Health Center immediately opened its Trauma Emergency Room to treat survivors suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) as well as dispatching our experienced psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers to the various evacuation Centers around the country. As for the patients already hospitalized in Mayanei Hayeshua, the anticipated increased level of severe anxiety is even more evident among all our psychiatric patients, especially the already vulnerable youngsters in our Eating Disorders Department.

Pictures of the various departments

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