Professor Rael Strous leads training event at major London Hospital

“Food Fight: tackling the stigma of eating disorders,” was the title of a Level 3 annual Safeguarding Children training event covering key aspects and approaches to managing eating disorders. The evening training session at London’s St Pancras Hospital on 26 November 2019 was under the auspices of Mayanei Hayeshua’s Mental Health Centre, and was attended […]
Everything You Need to Know About Measles

Exclusive interview with professor eli somekh, director of the pediatric wing of mayanei hayshua medical center
Professor Eli Somekh – head of the Pediatric Wing

Professionalism raised yet another notch at Maynei Hayeshua’s new Pediatric Ward
The Professor Who Tried to Save Rabin and Rav Steinman

He treated victims of the Second Lebanon War to the point of exhaustion, was summoned to try and save the prime minister’s life after a public shooting, dealt terror attack casualties during the Second Intifada, and was charged with treating the President of Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah. Professor Eliyahu Sorkin determines life-and-death decisions daily, yet in […]